Determinando el efecto de la interacción de las personas con los robots en actividades cotidianas

Número de proyecto: 
De 01/Jul/2017 hasta 30/Jun/2019


Determinar el efecto de la interacción de personas con robots en actividades cotidianas.


Este proyecto de investigación tiene como fin determinar el efecto de la interacción de las personas con los robots en actividades cotidianas.


Impacto del proyecto

En esta investigación se quiere determinar cómo la tecnología por medio de la robótica puede afectar directamente en el interés y la toma de decisiones de los usuarios. Además, contribuir en aumentar el interés hacia la ciencia, la educación y la investigación tecnológica en diferentes sectores de la población.
Los prototipos podrán ser utilizados por cualquier persona una vez que hayan sido evaluados. Aún no está claro el área de impacto de cada prototipo, pero se espera que sea en entornos similares a los de la Universidad de Costa Rica, y el país en general, por lo que se espera que se potencie la colaboración de las personas, tanto en la UCR como en Costa Rica.
Con respecto al impacto en la docencia, se podrán utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos por los investigadores en este proyecto para ser utilizados en cursos como Interacción Humano-Computador, interfaces no tradicionales de usuario o Robótica, entre otros.

Investigador principal
Dra. Kryscia Ramírez Benavides

Dr. Luis Alberto Guerrero Blanco
Dr. Gustavo López Herrera
Lic. Adrián Vega Vega
Dra. Kryscia Ramírez Benavides

Unidad académica base
Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (CITIC)

Unidades académicas colaboradoras
Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e Informática (ECCI)

Publicaciones asociadas

NAO as a Copresenter in a Robotics Workshop - Participant’s Feedback on the Engagement Level Achieved with a Robot in the Classroom


Robotics, combined with computer science and human-centered studies, can have a substantial impact in areas such as education and innovation. Robots have proven to be a good tool to gain and maintain users’ involvement in different activities. In education, robots can be used as teaching assistants to improve participation, enhance concentration or just to get students’ attention. In this research, we involved an NAO, a humanoid robot, in a workshop presentation with the aim of measuring the impact of this technique on the level of engagement showed by the participants. The robot was programmed to simulate speech and gesticulate while it talked to apply the Wizard of Oz technique.

Tipo de publicación: Conference Paper

Publicado en: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Qbo Robot as an Educational Assistant - Participants Feedback on the Engagement Level Achieved with a Robot in the Classroom


A non-humanoid robot is used to assist in an educational workshop of Quality Assurance and DevOps. The goal of this research was to determine the level of engagement shown by students of computer science in a presentation conducted by a University professor and assisted by a robot. The robot interaction was based on the Wizard of Oz technique. The order of actions between the professor and the robot was scripted and practiced before the workshop. After the workshop, a survey was conducted to assess the students’ perception towards robot’s shape, size, behavior and, performance. The survey also included the Godspeed Questionnaire Series to measure participant’s perception of the robot and its effectiveness as an educational assistant. The results revealed the participants considered the robot featured personalized cognitive skills and exhibited an acceptable integration in the workshop.

Tipo de publicación: Conference Paper

Publicado en: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Tool UTAUT Applied to Measure Interaction Experience with NAO Robot


This research described the utilization of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to evaluate a high-level interactive scenario of using Nao Robot in the role of co-presenting in an educative context. Describing the registered result of construct such as Intention of Use, Perceived Enjoyment (PE), Perceived Sociability (PS), and Trust.

The study also describes the process of elaboration of this interaction. Multiple User-Centered Design techniques applied to the Human Interaction Robot field. Also, describes how the interaction of the robot with the participant was accomplished by using Wizard of Oz techniques.

Tipo de publicación: Conference Paper

Publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science