Building a Personalized Cancer Treatment System

Tipo de publicación: Journal Article

Publicado en: Journal of Medical Systems

  • Martínez, Alexandra
  • López, Gustavo
  • Bolaños, Constantino
  • Alvarado, Daniel
  • Solano, Andrés
  • López, Mariana
  • Báez, Andrés
  • Quirós, Steve
  • Mora, Rodrigo

Investigadores del CITIC asociados a la publicación
Dra. Alexandra Martínez Porras
Dr. Gustavo López Herrera
Constantino Bolaños Araya
Daniel Alvarado González
Mariana López Quirós
Steve Quirós Barrantes
Rodrigo Mora Rodríguez

Proyecto asociado a la publicación
Evaluación de dos metodologías de bases de datos y aplicación de una metodología de interacción humano-computador en el desarrollo de una plataforma informática de soporte para la quimioterapia personalizada de cáncer

Palabras claves
  • ATP assay
  • Contextual design
  • Heuristic evaluation
  • Personalized cancer treatment
  • Think-aloud

This paper reports the process by which a personalized cancer treatment system was built, following a user-centered approach. We give some background on personalized cancer treatment, the particular tumor chemosensitivity assay supported by the system, as well as some quality and legal issues related to such health systems. We describe how Contextual Design was applied when building the system. Contextual design is a user-centered design technique involving seven steps. We also provide some details about the system implementation. Finally, we explain how the Think-Aloud protocol and Heuristic Evaluation methods were used to evaluate the system and report its results. A qualitative assessment from the users perspective is also provided. Results from the heuristic evaluation indicate that only one of ten heuristics was missing from the system, while five were partially covered and four were fully covered.


Datos bibliográficos
Cita bibliográfica
Building a Personalized Cancer Treatment System