Multiplatform Career Guidance System Using IBM Watson, Google Home and Telegram

TítuloMultiplatform Career Guidance System Using IBM Watson, Google Home and Telegram
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AutoresCalvo, D, Quesada, L, López, G, Guerrero, LA
EditorOchoa, SF, Singh, P, Bravo, J
Conference NameUbiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence
Date Published10/2017
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Conference LocationCham
ISBN Number978-3-319-67585-5
Palabras claveCareer guidance, Conversational interface, Google home, IBM Watson, Personality traits, Telegram

Even with the availability of several tests to provide clarity in choosing our career path, the decision remains a tough one to undertake. Most of the available tests are either monotonous, resulting in a tedious effort to go through them entirely, or are just plain boring. In this paper, however, we present a new and different approach to career guidance systems. We use Google home as a speech-based interface and Telegram as a text-based interface to generate a conversation between the users and a bot for career guidance. The idea is to provide an easy and friendly interface with an interactive user experience while gathering the required data to provide career guidance. To evaluate the system, we used the University of Costa Rica's Computer Science and Informatics Department scenario. In this scenario, students must decide between three possible emphases: Software Engineering, Information Technologies, and Computer Science. A usability and user experience evaluation of the system was performed with the participation of 72 freshmen.
