Metodología para enseñar a asegurar la calidad del software a través de técnicas de verificación y validación

TítuloMetodología para enseñar a asegurar la calidad del software a través de técnicas de verificación y validación
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AutoresSalazar, G
Conference NameLatin American Congress on requirements engineering & software testing LACREST Medellín
Date Published07/2012
Conference LocationColombia
ISBN Number978-958-46-0577-1
Palabras claveAseguramiento de Calidad del Software, Enseñanza de, Estándares, Ingeniería de Software., Pruebas, Revisión Técnica Formal, Validación, Verificación

The main objective of this article is to describe the experience of teaching the students of Software Engineering of the Bachelor Program in Informatics of the University of Costa Rica, to apply validation and verification software tests. The purpose is to extend the software quality assurance culture, facilitating and stimulating the use of worldwide methodologies in their future development as professionals; in order to support the national companies to improve their competitivity in international markets. Specifically, it describes the procedure in the execution of these tests, forms used, the software tools and the team members of the process. The points described in this article can be of interest for teachers and instructors who wish to develop software engineers in the area of software quality.