Identification of cancer chemosensitivity by ODE and GMM modeling of heterogeneous cellular response to perturbations in fluorescent sphingolipid metabolism

TítuloIdentification of cancer chemosensitivity by ODE and GMM modeling of heterogeneous cellular response to perturbations in fluorescent sphingolipid metabolism
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AutoresMolina-Mora, J, Mora-Rodriguez, R
Conference Name2016 IEEE 36th Central American and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVI)
Date PublishedNov
Palabras clavebiochemistry, biomedical optical imaging, biosensors, BxPC3 cell lines, cancer, cancer chemosensitivity, cell classification, cellular biophysics, chemotherapy, Data models, drugs, dynamical mathematical model, EDO, flow cytometry, fluorescence, fluorescent sphingolipid metabolism, Gaussian processes, Gaussian-mixture model, gemcitabine response sensor, glucosyl-ceramide, GMM, GMM modeling, heterogeneous cellular response, image features, Inhibitors, lipid bilayers, Mathematical model, MiaPaca-4, mixture models, ODE modeling, optical sensors, pancreatic cancer, pathway dynamics, physiological models, single cell level, Sphingolipids, sphingomyelin-synthase, tumor, tumours